Overval Fair Play Casino Eindhoven

Casino Bonus: 711 CASINO €711,-

Afgelopen dinsdag 19 maart 2013 is het Fair Play Casino in Eindhoven aan de Kerkstraat s’nachts overvallen door een gewapende man. Deze bedreigde het personeel. Na het meenemen van de buit stond een mededader klaar met een zwarte scooter. Fair Play is een onderdeel van Janshen & Hahnraths uit Kerkrade. Dit bedrijf heeft zich verenigd met JvHGaming en Hommerson in D2D4 (d2d4.nl maar die is nu om duistere redenen niet meer online).
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The Consortium is a partnership between Hommerson Arcades BV, Janshen-Hahnraths Group and JvH Gaming BV. These companies represent 50% of the market of legal gambling arcades in the Netherlands.

Together they have over 100 large arcades and a total number of over 1400 employees. Commercial brands of the three members of the consortium include Fair Play Casino’s, Hommerson Casino’s and Jack’s Casino.

Hommerson Arcades BV
Commercial brand: Hommerson Casino’s
Branches: 9
Employees: approx. 200
Established: 1896
Head office: The Hague

Janshen-Hahnraths Group BV
Commercial brands: Fair Play Centers, Fair Play Casino
Branches: 44
Employees: approx. 600
Established: 1959
Head office: Kerkrade

JvH Gaming BV
Commercial brands: Jack’s Casino, Flash Casino’s
Branches: 50
Employees: approx. 600
Established: 1958
Head office: ‘s-Hertogenbosch

D2D4 stronly believes that cooperation between the three largest operators of physical amusement arcades in the Netherlands will create new prospects for the realisation of a transparent and reliable online gaming platform.
It is our opinion that the current landbased operators – who currently hold licenses – should be eligbble for permits for online gambling.
The consortium wishes to adhere to the requirements that follow from the Dutch gambling policies.
The conditions under which online gambling will be legalized should include these areas of interest:

• Prevention of gambling addiction and protection of vulnerable players.
Operators must have a proven track-record regarding prevention of gambling addiction. Operators must have the means to detect and regulate excessive player behaviour.

• Viable operation.
Viable operation of online gambling is feasible only when and if i) illegal online operators are effectively dealt with, and ii) the levels of taxation are reasonable.

• Central database for verification of online players.
For the verification of online players, it is desirable that the data is recorded in a central database managed by an independent party. This is the only how verification can be conclusive.

• Controlled opening of the market.

We advocate the gradual opening of the market. This means that initially only a limited number of licenses is granted.

We think it is wise and prudent that land-based operators, who very experienced and knowledgeable and who are well-known to the Dutch government, take the lead in this process.

D2D4 Online Gaming
Postbus 3009
6460 HA Kerkrade

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